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New NPF Facebook Page Replaces Old Group

LinksNPF Facebook Page

Neptune Pink Floyd now has a brand new NPF Facebook Page as of today which replaces the old group. The purpose of our Facebook activity is to keep people up to date with the latest Pink Floyd and related news.

You can join the new page by clicking the button below then clicking “Like” at the top of the page.

Join our Facebook Page!

Why should I join? What does it do?

If you do not visit NPF every day then you may not be aware of the latest news concerning the band and solo members. If you use Facebook and join our Page, then you will see the announcements NPF makes on Facebook appear in your news feed. This way you will have more chance of keeping up to date with the latest news.

Join the NPF Facebook Page to remain informed.

Old Facebook Group being Closed? Why?

The purpose of NPF on Facebook is to communicate the occasional news story to fans! The NPF Facebook Group allowed NPF to send messages to everyone in the group where there was some relevant news.  Unfortunately yours truly was not aware that, when the group reaches 5,000 members, the ability to message all group members at once is taken away thus rendering is useless for sharing news!  Posts NPF makes on the group do not appear in your news feeds.

The new NPF Facebook Page is different to the Group as announcements made by NPF on the Page are visible in your news feed. Hence I have set up a new Page to replace the old Group that you may have joined. Eventually, I will delete the old Group.

So… please join the new NPF Facebook Page!