The Development of Pink Floyd’s Large Rock Sound Systems: Volume 3 Out Now

Chris Hewitt from Cheshire, England, has the UK’s largest collection of Vintage audio equipment has has been documenting his experience with the development of large rock sound systems over the past few years in a 3 volume set of books. This includes the various stages of development of Pink Floyd’s sound systems. Pink Floyd set up their own sound hire company Britannia Row where you can rent professional equipment. When he it not too busy running CH Vintage Audio, doing things like providing equipment to the Elton John Rocket man Movie for example, he is working on the 4th volume. You can order the 3rd volume which is out now from here. The Need for Loud! In the olden days, there was no amplification as there was no electricity! But pretty soon, following the invention of the drum kit in the USA (side note: watch Stuart Copeland BBC documentary on...