Tagged: Planetarium

Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Planetarium 1

Additional Dark Side of the Moon Planetarium Show 2024

An additional Dark Side of the Moon Planetarium Show in Leicester 2024 has been announced. The National Space Centre in Leicester England has another two showings of the Dark Side of the Moon planetarium show in January 2024. There will be two screenings on 20th January at 7pm and again at 8:30pm. Tickets are on sale now and expected to sell quickly. Book your tickets here DSotM Show Details The “Dark Side of the Moon” planetarium shows are part of the 50th-anniversary celebrations of Pink Floyd’s iconic album. These immersive shows are being held in up to 100 planetariums worldwide. They feature 10 unique animations synced with a new mix of the album. Each track of the album is presented with a different theme, combining retro and futuristic elements. The shows utilize the latest technology for an immersive audio-visual experience, celebrating the album’s legacy and Pink Floyd’s contribution to music...

Dark Side of the Moon 50th Anniversary Bluray Standalone

Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon 50th Anniversary Standalone Sets Announced

The wait is over for those who wanted to own the new Pink Floyd 50th Anniversary Edition of Dark Side of the Moon but didn’t want to fork out for the rather expensive (but very beautiful) boxset. Today, Pink Floyd, in collaboration with Warner Music for European distribution and Sony Music for the rest of the world, announced a standalone release of the newly remastered version of their iconic album, “The Dark Side Of The Moon.” The album will be available in various formats, including CD, LP, and Blu-ray, starting from October 13th. These separates are in addition to the Live at Webmley great sounding concert recording and the DSotM Official book. It will be available in different formats including CD, BluRay and LP. These three new formats of DSotM 50th Anniversary Edition will be released on Friday 13th October. The 6th October will see Roger Waters’ re-imagination of the...

Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Planetarium 7

Experience Dark Side of the Moon Planetarium Immersive Shows in 2023

As part of the celebration of Dark Side of the Moon album being 50 years old this year, there will be up to 100 planetariums around the world showing 10 fantastic animations alongside the new mix of Dark Side of the Moon. The Pink Floyd website has 29 listed so far out of the 100, and I have found several that are not listed too, including the National Science Museum in Leicester, England, where tickets are still available. There is also Jodrell Bank in Cheshire but seems to be sold out. There are other screenings around the UK. Some places around the world have already had their shows. Where are the Pink Floyd Planetarium Shows on? View planetarium list on PF website including Ireland, Winchester, Newcastle, Glasgow, | not listed > Jodrell Bank in Cheshire, National Space Centre in Leicester. There are probably others too so search for your local...

Sound & Vision Interview with Nick Mason for Why Pink Floyd

Sound & Vision Interview with Nick Mason for Why Pink Floyd

Sound & Vision’s Mike Mettler interviewed Nick Mason at Hayden Planetarium in NYC at the Capitol Records launch of Why Pink Floyd. The November issue of the audiophile magazine will feature the fruits of his labour! Here is an excerpt… “This is one case where the record company got it right.” So assessed Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason last night at an exclusive launch party at the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Mason was addressing the crowd about EMI’s massive Why Pink Floyd? campaign before our select group was ushered up into the Hayden Planetarium to experience the “interplanetary playback” of a previously unreleased performance of The Dark Side of the Moon in its entirety at Empire Pool at Wembley in London on November 16, 1974. The initial installments of the Why? campaign — Discovery editions of 14 remastered...