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Tagged: Vintage

Pink Floyd Sound Equipment

Pink Floyd Vintage PA System at Nick Mason’s Middlewick House

The Pink Floyd Vintage PA System will be on show next month. If you are heading to Nick Mason’s Middlewick house open garden charity event on 8/9th June then look out for the big red Avis van with a selection of Pink Floyd’s old PA equipment in! It will be in the Classic Vehicle outer field next to Middlewick House by invitation of Nick Mason. The equipment is collected and shared by CH Vintage Audio...

Storm Thorgerson and David Gilmour [Pic: Jill Furmanovsky]

The Development of Pink Floyd’s Large Rock Sound Systems: Volume 3 Out Now

Chris Hewitt from Cheshire, England, has the UK’s largest collection of Vintage audio equipment has has been documenting his experience with the development of large rock sound systems over the past few years in a 3 volume set of books. This includes the various stages of development of Pink Floyd’s sound systems. Pink Floyd set up their own sound hire company Britannia Row where you can rent professional equipment. When he it not too busy...