Monthly Archive: July 2023

Roger Waters Dark Side of the Moon 2023 Rerecording

Listen to Roger Waters’ New Version of Dark Side of the Moon 2023 – Video Clip

Roger Waters has re-recorded Dark Side of the Moon from scratch and you can now listen to an additional preview of the new recording below. Nick Mason, who had a listen to the new recording a short while back had very positive things to say about it. “He actually sent me a copy of what he was working on and I wrote to him and said, ‘Annoyingly, it’s absolutely brilliant!‘ It was and is. It’s not anything that would be a spoiler for the original at all, it’s an interesting add-on to the thing.” Take a listen to a short clip, that Roger shared on his twitter just now. I presume this is part of the final mastered version of the new recording of the album so it technically the first preview of the new recording. He did previously share a clip of the recording process for Us & Them...

Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Planetarium 7

Experience Dark Side of the Moon Planetarium Immersive Shows in 2023

As part of the celebration of Dark Side of the Moon album being 50 years old this year, there will be up to 100 planetariums around the world showing 10 fantastic animations alongside the new mix of Dark Side of the Moon. The Pink Floyd website has 29 listed so far out of the 100, and I have found several that are not listed too, including the National Science Museum in Leicester, England, where tickets are still available. There is also Jodrell Bank in Cheshire but seems to be sold out. There are other screenings around the UK. Some places around the world have already had their shows. Where are the Pink Floyd Planetarium Shows on? View planetarium list on PF website including Ireland, Winchester, Newcastle, Glasgow, | not listed > Jodrell Bank in Cheshire, National Space Centre in Leicester. There are probably others too so search for your local...