Monthly Archive: February 2014
St Pauls Gallery in Birmingham are exhibiting fine art print album cover art including pieces from Pink Floyd, 10CC, Led Zeppelin and others. The event is a celebration of the output from design house Hipgnosis where Aubrey Powell (pictured right) and the late Storm Thorgerson led the design team to create some of the most iconic album cover art in the history of music. Pink Floyd have had a long relationship with Storm Thorgerson and...
There are so many great Pink Floyd photographs from over the years. There are almost 10,000 Pink Floyd photos in our gallery for you to enjoy. However, here are a selection of my favourite Pink Floyd photos.
Three studio quality demo recordings have become available that were made as part of the process of recording Pink Floyd’s Animals album. You can listen to Sheep, Dogs and Pigs below with alternative lyrics and often completely different production. Sheep, for example, is very similar to “Raving and Drooling” as they used to refer to it when they first started playing it live. Your humble webmaster much prefers the old live version to the final...