The Wall Movie by Pink Floyd is a British musical film directed by Alan Parker, released in 1982, with animated segments by political cartoonist Gerald Scarfe. It’s based on Pink Floyd’s 1979 album “The Wall.” The making of the film was a considerable endeavour. It entailed 61 long and arduous days of shooting, which involved 977 shots, 4,885 takes, and 350,000 feet of film. Gerald Scarfe’s animation in the film, which comprises more than 15...
Roger Waters Pedro Ernesto Medal was awarded in Rio de Janeiro today ahead of his concert there tonight. Monica Benicio, an activist, gave the award to Roger. Rio de Janeiro City Council’s highest honour it can give is this particular medal, therefore Roger is lucky to have it. He will perform at the Estadio Olympico using the traditional format of stage at one end with the fans in front. On his tour up to now,...
Pink Floyd album covers are some of the most recognised in the world because they are iconic and exceptionally memorable. Imagining Pink Floyd albums without their cover art is impossible because they form part of the art of the album. I would find it very hard to pick a favourite album cover out of the vast collection. Each of the album’s artwork displays, particularly when presented on a larger format LP, are simply stunning. Who...