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Pink Floyd in Classic Rock Magazine

2021-03 Classic Rock Magazine Pink Floyd
2021-03 Classic Rock Magazine Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd has of course made the front cover of Classic Rock Magazine! There is also material in there from Kate Bush who was good friends with David Gilmour of course, he helped bring her to fame.

The material in the magazine covers how Roger Waters and David Gilmour reinvented Syd’s Barrett’s Pink Floyd band. Discuss the magazine content on the forum. The piece is written by the legend Mark Blake and features some rather excellent photographs. Well worth getting hold of a physical copy or getting involved in the digital options.

How To Get the Magazine

You can get a free subscription to Amazon Kindle online (no kindle hardware required, use the Kindle app on your phone) to read the magazine, and cancel within 28 days, so its free. If you choose to continue your subscription, then its £19.59 per year which is quite reasonable in this day and age!

You might also consider a subscription with Magazines Direct. There, you can order the print edition and/or a choice of digital too.

I Want Historical Magazine Featuring Pink Floyd!

There are lots of historical magazine features in the Pink Floyd Photos section of the site, have a scroll through and take a browse through many old magazine features. Just by chance, this example of Record Collector above also features Kate Bush at the same time as Roger Water/Pink Floyd. Small world.

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