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Monthly Archive: February 2012

The Wall Immersion Boxset Released

The Wall Immersion Boxset Released

Links – Pick yourself up a copy from or | Why Pink Floyd release schedule info | The Wall Immersion Boxset is released today (tomorrow in USA) in the third and final phase of the Why Pink Floyd release schedule. The Wall has already been released as the remastered double album Discovery edition back in September 2011. But we now have the Experience Edition which is the original double studio album plus a...

David Gilmour Lends Weight to Wilfred Owen Musical Bullets & Daffodils

David Gilmour Lends Weight to Wilfred Owen Musical Bullets & Daffodils

Liverpool icon and satirist John Gorman has written and directed the new touring version of Dean Johnson’s Wilfred Owen musical, Bullets And Daffodils. The ex-Scaffold and Tiswas frontman joins a long line of illustrious contributors such as actor Christopher Timothy and guitar legend David Gilmour. The Pink Floyd guitarist has granted permission for a solo recording to be used as part of the show’s score. Dean says, “Mr Gilmour wanted to do everything he could...

Pink Floyd on Planet Rock Radio Feb 2012

Links – Planet Rock | Photos: photos of The Wall original 1980s shows and more recently the Roger Waters Wall Tour photos 2012. As part of the promotional activities for the upcoming release of The Wall Immersion Boxset (which of course forms part of the Why Pink Floyd release schedule), Roger Waters, Nick Mason and cartoonist Gerald Scarfe will be in a special program on Planet Rock Radio called Pink Floyd ‘Building The Wall’. The...