Tagged: Roger Waters

2024 Roger Waters Voices of Palestine Fundraiser

Roger Waters at Voices of Palestine Fundraiser in London

Roger Waters performed in London last Saturday for the Voices of Palestine Fundraiser according to guitarist Dave Kilminster who performed with him. The event was at The Dorchester on Park Lane. David said on his Facebook, “Honoured to play with Roger again last Saturday at a special fundraising event in Mayfair called ‘Voices of Palestine’”. Roger used some of the imagery from his This Is Not A Drill Tour and David Kilminster was innovative with...

Body Count Comfortably Numb

David Gilmour plays on Body Count’s Comfortably Numb Cover

David Gilmour has recorded guitar on a new cover version of Comfortably Numb. The new song is recorded by heavy rock rap group Body Count which was formed in 1990 by rapper and actor Ice-T. Pink Floyd’s publishers said he couldn’t record it but Roger and David thought otherwise! Body Count Comfortably Numb can be heard below. David Gilmour and Roger Waters Agree on Something! In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Ice-T said “When...

Roger Waters This Is Not A Drill Tour 2022 2023 (11)

Roger Waters Official Website Has Refresh

Roger Waters, the former bassist and “creative force” of Pink Floyd, has launched a new Roger Waters Official Website, sparking speculation about potential new projects on the horizon. His previous website was rather basic and, whilst his new one is rather basic too, I think it has definitely had a step up. Roger Waters “News” Website The news section currently features Waters’ political views. While some may argue that politics and rock stars make an...