Monthly Archive: October 2006

Roger Waters : More 2007 Tour Dates

Roger Waters : More 2007 Tour Dates

Resources & Links Discuss on forum | Roger’s Website | Further to the last news article about Roger Waters’ tour dates in Australia, the dates and more have appeared on Roger’s official website! Below is the current list of tour dates for what is presumed to be an extension of his Dark Side of the Moon Rock Tour which has been doing the rounds in 2006. Tickets are on sale for many of these shows...

Roger Waters 2007 Australia Tour Dates

Roger Waters 2007 Australia Tour Dates

There has been talk on several Pink Floyd websites that Roger Waters will be performing in 6 cities in Australia in early 2007 and will be doing many more dates over Europe and the UK. The dates have not yet been announced on Roger’s website or through the quality press, but A Fleeting Glimpse and Brain Damage websites are usually accurate! Here are the dates so far according to AFG and BD: Thursday, January 25th...

Gilmour’s On An Island DVD Not Free

Gilmour’s On An Island DVD Not Free

Resources & Links David’s Website | David’s Web Blog With DVD Info | David Gilmour with On An Island Platinum Award 2006 With reference to David Gilmour’s On An Island album being re-released along with a DVD of the AOL Sessions and Abbey Road performance of Astronomy Domine, there will be no DVDs available for free as suggested in this website’s last newsletter. There will, however, be a limited number of DVDs available without the...